Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Rents Visit

September 29th, my parents brought Jamie down to Long Beach so that he could go with Josh and I to Las Vegas for the weekend. Mom and Dad were kind enough to watch their grandpuppy for the weekend.  Although we only had about a day and a half together, we fit in some quality time. 

We saw a movie, Money Ball, and it was really good actually. 
We ate at Cafe Rio of course.
We got frozen yogurts.
We got to go to the temple.
We ate at the amazing Sanchos Tacos in Huntington Beach.
We took Zino to the dog beach.
And we even fit a little snuggle time in :)

Zino's Grandma made him the most amazing blanket... I have to admit, I thought it was a little too good for a dog.... sometimes I try to use it and when I get in the fetal position it almost works :)

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