Saturday, October 29, 2011

Megan & Ryan Return

On October 14, Megan and Ryan came back down to Southern Cali after moving to Atascadero a few months back.  They came down for a wedding Megan was working in San Clemente and stayed with us all weekend.  We have definitely missed our game nights and movie nights with these two. 

We pretty much had only one day together so we spent it well.  We went to the Crab Pot, which I heard was amazing, and I'm not gonna lie, it really wasn't amazing.  It was borderline gross even.  Sorry guys, my bad idea :/  But it was a cool experience and we got to wear some cool bibs.

We also went to the farmers market and bought some hats and some cheese and olives which we later stuffed ourselves with.  That was some good cheese.  Then we watched a movie which turned into a nap for me, whoops.  It was gone too soon, but we snuck in some good memories.  We miss you already, come back soon!

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