Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Josh!

One week ago today, on June 16th Josh turned 30!!  I was extremely sad to be out of town for this occasion, but Josh and Ryan had a fun night of movies, pizza, and video games :)  Thank you to Megan for loaning out her hubby.  

(This is one of our favorite pics -- taken in Kauai)

I thought this would be a good opportunity to brag about my amazing husband without making people annoyed ;)  Josh is one of the most hard working selfless people I have ever met.  He would literally do anything for his family.  Josh has a way of making everyone comfortable and filling a room with laughter.  This was one of the first things I ever noticed about him and have heard others say the same many times since.  I am so grateful to have such a devoted and supportive husband who always wants me to be happy... and I am :)  Happy birthday Josh!!

1 comment:

  1. Nope still annoyed! JK hahaha Our husbands are getting old, James will be 30 this year too! Happy late birthday Josh!
