Friday, October 28, 2011


Today I had a day off work and decided to eat something different for breakfast than my usual oatmeal with peanut butter that I have been having for three months straight!  I love oatmeal because it keeps me full and guarantees that I eat at least one healthy meal in the day ;)  So today I used my love of oatmeal and turned it into an Oatmeal/Blueberry/Banana Shake and I was quite pleased with it.  This is what I did...

Take 1/2 cup oatmeal and put it in a microwave safe bowl, then pour milk over the oatmeal till the oatmeal is almost covered... I'd say about 3/4 cup.  Then microwave for 1 1/2 minutes to soften the oats. 

Dump the oatmeal mixture in the blender

Add Blueberries and bananas (or any fruit you like)

Add about 1/2 an ice tray and blend

Add milk to thin if needed... I did

This made my tummy happy, but I would only recommend it to oatmeal lovers.  If you're looking for a new idea, give it a shot!

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