Thursday, September 8, 2011

Grandpa Visit

Thursday, August 18, I went up to Santa Maria to spend some time with family and see my Grandpa Cragun.  He had been diagnosed with bladder cancer... again!  Apparently it is a very common cancer to reoccur.  He had already been getting chemo and radiation therapy for a few weeks and I wanted to see him and show some support.  Grandpa was handling the treatment so well, even the doctors were impressed with him :)  He is such an amazingly strong man and we have all been so blessed to have his influence in our lives.  It was so nice to spend some time with him and with Grandma... even though I don't think she will remember it :(  I don't get up there enough and I was happy to have had the time to do it.  About two days ago I found out that Grandpa had a PET scan and two of the three masses were gone and they are confident that the last one will be taken out by his last treatments.  They also found no cancer cells!!! It was great news!  I am so proud of Grandpa for fighting so hard, and so happy to have his battle almost over.  We love you Grandpa!

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