Sunday, November 13, 2011

Missing You

I just realized today that I miss a lot of people.  And I mean a lot.  If you are reading this there is a good chance that I miss you.  I feel like every time we see anyone it has been too long since the last time we saw them... is that normal?  I guess that is not one of the perks of moving away from the place you are from.  Josh and I feel like we are in such a dilemma because we love living in southern cali but we pretty much have no hope of ever having family down here :/  I will be recruiting people from here on out, you have been warned.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Loves

November 4th was the day I got to reunite with my favorites.  Our lives are all so different now, we are in such different life phases, and yet it's still the same.  We have the kind of friendship that you kind of just know will always work and will always be there.  That's why even though we always wait too long, longer than any of us like, it doesn't matter.  I love catching up with these girls and I love who they both are.

I. Love. Us.

Halloween Weekend and Soccer Soccer Soccer

On Halloween weekend Josh and I met some friends in Belmont Shore to watch the LA Galaxy play and more importantly to eat some food :)  We also lucked out because a dog costume parade just happened to be going on and who hasn't always wanted to see that?

LA GALAXY has had a really good year apparently and it's a big deal because the finals are set to be in LA which doesn't happen very often... at least I think that's what Josh said.  So he has been going to all the games and I even went to one that I kinda liked... weird, I know. And they just won the western conference finals so that means just one more match to go against the east coast and they could win the MLS cup.  Do I sound like I know what I'm talking about? Cause I almost feel like I do.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Bolsa Chica Wetlands

Last weekend Josh and I took Zino for a walk at the Bolsa Chica Wetlands in Huntington Beach.  We had really been wanting to go there and found out there are walking paths that dogs are allowed on.  We parked by these really awesome new homes that overlook the ocean and this made me very jealous.  The walk was so pretty and even got most of Zino's energy out which is quite a task.

Towards the end of our walk the sun was going down and we were veering off the beaten path a little to try and get back to the car faster.  That's when Josh noticed a coyote.  It was totally stalking Zino and it was very creepy.  This was one well fed coyote too, it was probably the size of a lab...even more creepy.  I ended up carrying Zino and Josh ended up chasing after the coyote despite my frantic cries of how it was going to attack him! We made it out alive though and here's proof: